
Imbylta for Ethiopia: A Call for Dialogue & Systemic Transition –  (የስርአታዊ ሽግግር እምቢልታ)




IMBYLTA IMBYLTA is an informal task force of patriotic Ethiopians and civil-society organizations
who came together in November 2020 to collaborate and thoughtfully deliberate on the
root causes of and lasting solutions for the intensifying multiple existential crises in
Ethiopia. The Group, whose membership is expanding from time to time, is committed
to advancing the causes of democratic Ethiopiawinnet. In its deliberations over the past
two years, it has recognized that a sound understanding of the nature of constitutionally-
enshrined identity politics and the nature of a transition process out of this polarizing
and destabilizing system is the first of critical actionable steps for helping save the

Our initiative for national salvation stands on two pillars:

First, Imbylta believes in courageous citizen engagement to build a democratic and
prosperous Ethiopia. It thereby seeks to galvanize the Diaspora to stand behind the
Ethiopian people as they resist the onslaughts of intensifying domestic civil war and
political terrorism. So far, seemingly endless political violence has claimed a million
lives, internally displaced ten million, and brought over US$40 billion in lootings and
damage to public and private property. The primary victims of the ethno-fascist power
contest between Tigrayan and Oromo ethnic politicians have been the ordinary Amhara,
Tigrayans, the Gedeo, and the Gurage. No one can afford to be a bystander; civil wars
do not spare anyone.

Second, Imbylta believes that extraordinary and systemic problems require
extraordinary and lasting solutions. We, therefore, offer a transition roadmap to restore
the rule of law. Our preferred all-inclusive political settlement and systemic transition call
for a robust and independent national dialog that paves the way to transitional justice
and reconciliation, an elected interim parliament governed by a transitional
constitutional charter, a cleaning up of deeply corrupted government institutions, and
the drafting of a citizen-based democratic constitution.
Please visit our website or contact us directly to access our publicly available
documents or join us in this worthy endeavor. Thank you.


January 2023

A Call for an All-Inclusive National Dialogue for Ethiopia.

Event Highlights

Ethiopia currently finds itself in multiple civil strife domestically and under unprecedented destabilizing attacks on its sovereignty by its implacable historical enemies and other geopolitical interests.

It is veering toward state failure, a prospect with no winners in the long run at home and abroad. A group of concerned Ethiopians and civic groups have long been mulling over these dual challenges in search of a negotiated political settlement that will extricate the country from the quagmire of winner-takes-all ethnic politics.

For Whom?

For Concerned Ethiopians

We have just concluded three rounds of consultations with patriotic Ethiopians, civil-society organizations, and political parties to get feedback and obtain buy-in for the idea of a Transition Charter.

For Civic organizations

We have just concluded three rounds of consultations with patriotic Ethiopians, civil-society organizations, and political parties to get feedback and obtain buy-in for the idea of a Transition Charter.

For Political Organizations

We are now ready to address the general public, in Ethiopia and abroad, to stem the expanding civil wars and the civil disobedience currently underway.

Our Purpose

Stopping the political violence

Ethiopia currently finds itself in multiple civil strife domestically and under unprecedented destabilizing attacks on its sovereignty by its implacable historical enemies and other geopolitical interests.

The Ager Aden movement genuinely believes that stopping the political violence by foreign-funded domestic terrorists, in which the Government of Ethiopia itself has also been implicated and equally defending, protecting, and restoring the security of lives and livelihoods of innocent citizens is the immediate priority for all of us.

Stop polarizing and unamendable Constitution,

As explained in the document we will release on Wednesday at the Press Conference, we firmly believe that the 2021 national elections under a discredited constitution cannot fix the countries myriad problems.

To build a legitimate democratic order,

The only viable solution to these structural problems is an all-inclusive, negotiated transition program that will usher in a new citizen-based constitution as a compact between Ethiopians and their government and a guarantor of the first democratic elections in Ethiopian history.

End the ongoing violence against innocent citizens

Peaceful protests should be understood as appeals for help to end the ongoing violence against innocent citizens and should not be aggravated by unnecessary & forceful measures to suppress them.

Building Connections

Stopping the political violence by foreign-funded domestic terrorists, in which the Government itself has been implicated, and restoring the lives of innocent citizens is the immediate priority for all of us..

Establishing an inclusive national

The only viable solution to these structural problems is an all-inclusive, negotiated transition program that will usher in a new citizen-based constitution as a compact between Ethiopians and their government and a guarantor of the first democratic elections in Ethiopian history.

National dialog and refine the roadmap

To build a legitimate democratic order, Ethiopia needs an inclusive political settlement. We must involve those political parties, civic organizations, and patriotic citizens, the litmus test being an unconditional commitment to the equality of all citizens, the unity of the Ethiopian people, and respect for Ethiopia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty.

Recommendation for a fresh start

We would like to underscore the premise this bold proposal is only a recommendation for a fresh start. Accordingly, we invite all stakeholders to join the movement for an informed national dialog and refine the roadmap to make it legitimate and fully realizable.

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